A Case For Truth

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Caveat Emptor (Buyer Beware)

WARNING: As of October 2022, the author of this blog has only been a Christian for FOUR years. After being raised atheist then spending 36 years in the New Age spirituality movement, I picked up a bible for the first time at age 56. It changed my life radically from the inside out for which I have been eternally grateful ever since.

But the purpose of this particular post is not a testimonial. It’s more of an explanation and a warning label.

This tender new Christian has NO theological training, or even apologetic training, so YOU the reader need to read carefully and do your own homework! Do NOT take anything written on this website as “gospel truth.” Take what you find here as a jumping off pad to do your own research and come to your own conclusions.

“So if you’re not an expert, why the posts, why the website?”

  1. First, like everyone else I’m free to share my beliefs and thoughts and convictions. I choose to do so.

  2. Second, my life has been changed and enriched so much by the “Good News,” the Bible and by so many Christian Apologetic authors past and present that I naturally want to share all of it with as many people as possible.

  3. Third, I soon discovered that the amount of new information, concepts and ideas I was encountering became a bit overwhelming. Most of it requires more deep thinking, study and soul searching than I had ever done before in my life. Then I noticed that when I tried to explain something I learned to a friend, I would fail miserably - which made me realize that I clearly didn’t really know it yet. By taking a topic or subject and writing it out in a logical, organized sequence, it forces me see what I am missing and also anchors what I do know more deeply. In other words, until we can succinctly and thoroughly explain something to someone else, we don’t really have it ourselves yet. So essentially these blog posts are written more for me than anyone else. If someone else benefits, that just a bonus.

  4. Fourth and last, my hope for this website is that it helps others find clarity, provides resources, provokes questions, and perhaps helps someone discover what I did: that based on the overwhelming evidence provided by logic, reason, evidence and science, the “Good News” of Christianity is indeed true.
