A Case For Truth

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The Most Hated Verse In The Bible

Here it is:

“…I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except thru Me.” (John 14:6)

The fact that Christians claim that Jesus is the ONLY way to Heaven riles many people as arrogant, intolerant and narrow minded. The more popular “spiritual” belief is that “All roads to God.” Indeed, that sounds so much more loving and inclusive, right? Unfortunately, some careful thinking and simple logic tells us that statement cannot be true.

The Second Law of Logic is the Law of Non-Contradiction: Two contradictory statements cannot both be true at the same time in the same sense. In short, if one statement is true, the other must therefore be false.

Every major religion has fundamental theological differences. So while they could all be wrong, they cannot all be true. According to the Law of Non-Contradiction, if one is true the others MUST therefore be false.

Now, since we’ve determined that ALL religions cannot be true, the real question then is determining which one, if any, is the truth or the closest to the truth.

Which begs the question, “HOW do we determine which one is true?”

Easy, peasy. It’s the same way we discover how anything else is in life is true; the same way we do science; the same way we determine who is guilty in a court of law. We study it, examine the evidence and the facts, applying logic and reason to come to a conclusion that is the closest we can come to “beyond a reasonable doubt.”

This website aims to lay out the overwhelming mountains of evidence available, not only for the existence of A God, but also for the Christian God of the bible.

Unfortunately however, no amount of evidence or logic will convince someone who does not want to believe. Many people reject the God of the Bible not on the basis of lack of evidence but for purely emotional reasons. They don’t want there to be a God who puts moral laws on their heart - they want to be their own God and write their own rules.

In short, most of us want to find God about as much as a thief wants to find a cop.

Related Posts: The Three Laws of Logic