Why Doesn’t God Kill Satan?

In a recent YouTube short video the atheist comedian, Ricky Gervais, asked the question, “Why doesn’t God kill Satan?” And at first, I was stumped, considering how I would respond; I wouldn’t have been able to answer that immediately if it had been put to me personally. However, after considering it for a day or two, I realized it was both a reasonable question and an unreasonable one.

It's an unreasonable question because it presupposes that we know all the possible reasons why an infinite God that created the entire universe could have for doing anything. Which is a rather arrogant position when you think about it. Notice too that it is a moral question, with the implication being that if God was truly loving he would not allow evil. This is a common atheist tactic, stealing a standard of right and wrong from God, because with the materialistic/naturalistic worldview of the atheist, nothing is inherently evil, there is no objective good or bad, or right or wrong. So anyone who is truly an atheist would never ask such a question. You can only ask that question coming from a position of objective morality.

In addition, “Why doesn't God just kill Satan,” is really just another form of the “why does God allow evil” question. Which is the reasonable question. The problem is that if God killed Satan for being evil, he’d have to kill all of us too because every human on Earth is guilty of the same sin as Satan: pride.

We are all evil, "there is none good, no not one."

If you don't believe you are evil or sinful, imagine having every thought you think printed on your forehead every day for the rest of your life... Or having some YouTube channel show everything you’ve ever looked at, said, written and everything you’ve ever done in the dark or in secret throughout your life. Yikes!

Every person on the planet would be found guilty of moral transgressions: All the lies, betrayals, deceptions, manipulations and sexual transgressions laid bare before the world.

That is how God sees us. There is nothing hidden from Him, nothing forgotten. He even knows the secret motivations of our heart. There is no deceiving Him, no lying to Him, no evading Him. God is Good. God is Love. God is Mercy and God is perfect Justice.

And that is why we need Jesus. Somebody has to be punished for our sins. It will either be us or we can accept the free gift of Jesus’ sacrifice in our place.


Caveat Emptor (Buyer Beware)