Brett Hutton Brett Hutton

The Myth of “Blind Faith”

Atheists perpetuate the trope that Christianity is just “blind faith,” with no reason, logic or evidence behind it. Which is ironic since the exact opposite is true.

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Brett Hutton Brett Hutton

The Intellectual Absurdity of Atheism

Atheists present themselves as the voice of reason, the ones who are rational, scientific and intelligent... This is amusingly ironic as science and logic overwhelmingly stack up in favor of the existence of a personal Creator. Let’s see how…

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Brett Hutton Brett Hutton

Morality 101

Are you a good person? How do you know you are? On what basis or criteria have you determined your goodness?

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Brett Hutton Brett Hutton

Who Is Your Authority?

Who is your final authority? Is it yourself? The culture? The government? Maybe we should clarify what we mean by an authority first.

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Brett Hutton Brett Hutton

What is Natural Law?

Natural law is the understanding that people inherently have certain rights, moral values/duties, and responsibilities that are embedded in and inseparable from human nature.

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Brett Hutton Brett Hutton

The Three Laws of Logic

Critical thinking skills have never been more important to identifying the truth in the sea of lies and misinformation we are flooded with on the internet and media in these modern days.

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Brett Hutton Brett Hutton

The Lost Truth of Truth

In our current woke world, it is tantamount to blasphemy to dare suggest there are only two kinds of truth.

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Brett Hutton Brett Hutton

Why Doesn’t God Kill Satan?

In a recent YouTube short video, the atheist comedian, Ricky Gervais, asked the question, “Why doesn’t God kill Satan?”

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