Article Links


A Long Surrender: “A scientist’s long and winding journey from committed atheist to embracing the Christian faith” by Günter Bechly

Evidence For God: “In this article, I’d like to lay out five (evidences for God): the cosmos, the conditions for life, the complexity of life, the canon of Scripture, and Christ” by Charles Campbell

Does The Big Bang Require An Absolute Beginning To The Universe? by Luke Nix

Science That Excludes God Is a Faith System of Its Own by Dr Alex McFarland

Christian Apologetics: Who Needs It? In this article, Dr. William Lane Craig describes what Christian apologetics is and the three benefits it provides: its ability to shape culture; its capacity to strengthen believers; and its necessity when evangelizing unbelievers.


Does Disagreement Prove There Are No Objective Moral Truths?
Throwing off the Shackles of Morality
What Criminal Trials Teach Us About Objective Moral Truth

Christian Apologetic Podcasts

Stand To Reason with Greg Koukl: Excellent podcasts.
CrossExamined with Dr Frank Turek: Another favorite podcast resource.